An area for improvement includes those things you might struggle with. It is important to also be able to recognise these areas because developing them will help you to do your job role better and progress your career.
Here’s an example…
Mickey works on the shop floor of Health & Beauty Supplies. His ability to make his section of the shop look attractive is one of his strengths, and he takes great pride in making his shelves look organised and well stocked.
However, he is slow to complete his other tasks, which means he does not have much time to work on his shelves. Here his area of improvement is getting in the way of him playing to his strength.
Thinking about the things that you find difficult will help you to identify areas of improvement. Consider how these things are getting in the way of you playing to your strengths.
LO1: Task 2
Think about the last week. Write down a list of the tasks and activities you took part in.
Once you have completed the list, go back and highlight the things that you found difficult.
Choose three of the difficulties you have identified and describe your improvement areas in more detail. Start your improvement statement with ‘I feel I need to improve when…’.
After you have completed this activity in your Learner Assessment Worksheet, save a copy on your desktop ready for the next task.
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