IB Primary Years Programme

IB Primary Years Programme

This is where you can find all of our PYP resources. We’ve got non-fiction readers, free classroom posters, activity-based workbooks and plenty more on the way!

PYP Agents non-fiction readers

PYP Agents logo

The PYP Agents books are engaging informational texts (that pack a fun surprise!) for readers transitioning from simple informational texts to more complex, content-rich chapter books.

Nat the Ant guides children through each book – promoting language as inquiry and encourage conceptual thinking. From the migration patterns of animals, to amazing buildings found around the world, there’s so much to explore with PYP Agents.

PYP How, Where, Who, Share!

PYP How, Where, Who, Share! is an activity-based workbook created for PYP students. Suitable for use in class or at home, this child-friendly workbook helps students to understand how the transdisciplinary themes can be used to explore the world around them.

The Transdisciplinary Themes

A series of free classroom posters to print and hang in your own classroom!

Curated bundles of our PYP Agents readers to support the transdisciplinary themes!